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Press Release

Players in the Showcase event are divided into two teams: Cambridge vs. Boston. The Cambridge team features Alex De Frondeville who has won six national and three World Ultimate titles with local legendary team Death or Glory and rising star Ben Faust from national contender, Metal. The Boston squad is led by throwing star Nathan Wicks and speedy receivers Kelvin Schleif and Ryan Todd.

More than 100,000 people play some form of Ultimate in the United States. 20,000 + are Ultimate Players Association members playing in UPA sanctioned tournament events. Virtually every weekend there are a few Ultimate tournaments in the United States. Most of the high level tournaments are located outside of metro areas where ample field space exists for running a large weekend tournament.

The Ultimate Showcase is designed to place Ultimate in a metro area at a convenient location so that fans can come see the sport played at the highest level.

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